Human Rights Translated 2.0

It is widely accepted around the world that businesses have responsibilities to respect human rights such as the rights to privacy, humane treatment, safe working conditions and more. But many companies and other businesses do not know what human rights are, or how to address them in a business context.

That’s why we have produced Human Rights Translated 2.0: A Business Reference Guide, an easy-to-read handbook for respecting people’s fundamental human rights in all sectors of the economy.

This publication explains human rights in a way that makes sense to business. Using real-life case studies, it illustrates how human rights are relevant in a corporate context and how human rights issues can be managed.

The first edition of this book was praised globally for the simple way that it presented human rights in a business-relevant manner. It has been used by multinational corporations and small businesses on every continent, as well as international financial institutions and the United Nations.

This edition has been fully updated to include the latest legal developments. More case studies will be added over time, so you’ll be up to date by following this page.

Endorsements for first edition

UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, Professor John Ruggie (2005-2011), speaking at the launch of the first edition in 2008 in Paris:

"Corporations widely recognize that they have a responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights. But no comprehensive tool has existed that describes what such rights mean in a business context. This publication does so, in language that is rights-based while also being easily accessible to business executives and managers. Companies are encouraged to use Human Rights Translated as a reference guide when undertaking their human rights due diligence to ensure that they discharge their responsibility to respect rights."

What You’ll Learn

  • Overview of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Explanation of the International Bill of Rights
  • How do companies turn these principles into practice?
  • Explanation of every human right in the International Covenants
  • Short case studies of how those rights have arisen in a business context
  • Key terms and glossary
  • Hyperlinks to further materials

The Author

The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law is based in the Law Faculty at Monash University in Melbourne. It is a world-renowned academic centre which uses its human rights expertise to create a more just world where human rights are respected and protected, allowing people to pursue their lives in freedom and with dignity. The Centre’s innovative approach to public engagement and passion for human rights are redefining how an academic institution can create lasting and important change.

The main author on behalf of the Castan Centre was Professor Sarah Joseph.

This book was written in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Global Compact.

Publication Information

ISBN: 978-0-6480346-0-5

Web publication: 115 + xx pages

Published: 20 June 2016

Available in: English

Edition: Second (first available here)

Publisher: Monash University

Designer: J Marketing